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A common laboratory test that examines the physical and chemical properties of urine

15 min
35 US dollars
West Parmer Lane

Service Description

It provides important information about kidney function and urinary tract healt and can help diagnose certain medical conditions. Here are the components typically included in a routine urinalysis: 1. Appearance: The color and clarity of urine are observed. Normal urine is typically pale yellow to amber in color and clear or slightly cloudy. 2. Specific Gravity: This test measures urine concentration and evaluates the kidney's ability to concentrate urine properly. 3. pH: Determines the acidity or alkalinity of urine. Normal urine pH ranges from 4.6 to 8.0. 4. Protein: Detects the presence of protein in urine, which may indicate kidney damage or other underlying conditions. 5. Glucose: This test checksThis test measuresThis test detects for the presence of glucose (sugar) in urine, which may indicate diabetes or other metabolic disorders. 6. Ketones: Measures the presence of ketones in urine, which may indicate uncontrolled diabetes or other metabolic conditions. 7. Blood: Detects the presence of red blood cells in urine, which may indicate urinary tract infections, kidney stones, or other kidney-related issues. 8. Nitrites: These tests look for the presence of bacteria in urine, which may indicate a urinary tract infection. 9. Leukocyte Esterase: Detects the presence of white blood cells in urine, which may indicate a urinary tract infection or inflammation. 10. Microscopic Examination: A microscope is used to examine urine sediment, which can reveal the presence of red and white blood cells, bacteria, crystals, and other substances. Routine urinalysis is a valuable screening tool, but abnormal results may require further investigation or additional tests to determine the underlying cause. A healthcare professional who can consider the individual's medical history and symptoms should interpret the results.

Cancellation Policy

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Contact Details

  • 8701 West Parmer Lane ste 2119, Austin, TX 78729, USA


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